pyLEFA software 0.61a (download Windows installer) is originally written in Python GUI application for satellite image analysis in Earth sciences. Lineament analysis is often being used for geological mapping, detecting natural hazards and prospecting of mineral resources. Source code is here.
Application review and manual (in Russian) is here.
pyLEFA allows to:
- Extract lineament features on satellite image (Landsat 7 and 8, SRTM and some others are supported);
- Compute feature spatial distribution parameters (lineament density);
- Detect fault by joining of lineaments;
- Export features into ESRI shape format to continue work in GIS software;
- Create rose diagram for ‘lineament’ of ‘fault’ sets;
- Create datatable (csv) for point layer and line layers.
LEFA uses single window interface for the whole cycle of image processing. Author put his emphasis to the simplicity and absence of non-free software in pyLEFA. In contrast with now deprecated LEFA (Matlab based), PyLEFA doesn’t need any preinstalled software.
Old pyLEFA 0.5a version (not recommended): download
Please, use testing dataset for quick start with pyLEFA (link).